Sunday, February 20, 2011

A rock climbing training blog - why?

A rock climbing training blog - why?
If you are hoping to improve your ability or learn more about training techniques and tools, then this blog will give you some of the answers - because that’s what I’m going to do too! I’ve been climbing for about three years and have developed enough basic ability to get me up 6a routes. I’ve set [...]

If you are hoping to improve your ability or learn more about training techniques and tools, then this blog will give you some of the answers - because that’s what I’m going to do too!

I’ve been climbing for about three years and have developed enough basic ability to get me up 6a routes. I’ve set myself a target of improving the level I climb at but I quickly hit a glass ceiling of ability: I tried to get up routes graded 6B and don’t have the extra strength or technique (or more likely both) to reach the top. The only way to improve seemed to be to fail on the routes I wanted to climb. This quickly got boring for me so I set about some research.

I found lots of advice online, with phrases like ‘contact strength’ and ‘body tension’. These are new concepts that I’m going to have to learn about.

One important lesson came quickly: If I want to be a better climber then training can help.

This blog will chart my journey from Joe Average 6a to my target of 7a onsight - and beyond!

Anna Kournikova
Hayden Panettiere
Cameron Diaz

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