I sat down with Silas Thurman to talk business, serious wakeskate business. Silas has been busy working with fellow team riders Andrew Pastura, Ben Horan, Yan Lecomte, on their new company Remote wakeskates. Its been a crazy year for the guys and they are now selling boards. The remote board line is already huge hit in the wakeskate industry and looks like a powerful player for years to come. Make sure you check out the video at the bottom that also gives you more info on remote wakeskates.
Q: Remote, Remote, Remote! Thats all I hear and see these days everywhere it seems that remote is the hottest thing on the block these days. Whats it been like the past year getting to this point finally selling boards?
Crazy! Starting a wakeskate company is tough because there's no mold to follow. Your sort of just going for it. From the MFG for boards and all the other products it's a big deal. I think were close to where we want to be finally though. Things are looking good and it's exciting right now. I feel like we have the right guys in place to make something big.
Q: You've been in the industry for a long time, its gotta be great to be finally be apart of a company that you and your team have total control over. Why is Remote different then other larger wakeboard/wakeskate companies?
It's really ran by the team. There's no one telling us what we can or can't do we just do what we want. That's why I think a lot of kids like it. We run the site, design all the products, graphics, all of us have been to the factory multiple times to deal with the boards. I even answer customer service calls haha. It's just a great vibe and it's great to be in controll of something you love. I think all the guys feel that way and that's why they work so hard.
Q: You were a rider before a Team Manager, as Remote team manager, Nike 6.0 team manager these days you must spend a lot of time taking care of business, are you still able to sneak some sets in between the conference calls and business trips?
Ya I ride just as much as ever. Living in Florida now makes it super easy to ride. I guess now when I'm not riding I'm definetly on the phone or replying and sending emails. I used to just ride and sort chill out. I wouldn't trade it though. Were doing something awesome that I really believe in so it's all worth it.

Q: Some might argue that right now you have one of the hottest teams around, what makes Andrew Pastura and Ben Horan such great fits for Remote?
It's a combination. There as talented or more than any rider in the world, but what sets them apart is there style and attitude off the water. There very care free and just good guys. They wakeskate for the right reasons.
Q:Yan Lecomte is one of your newer riders and hes been making quite the rukus these days too. Its gotta be great to have a big time movie star on the team, does his fame get to his head?
Ha, I think it gets to our head. We always joke with Yan that he's a movie star and were going to do a twighlight series board. He's super humble about it. That's just the way he roles. He let's his riding and laid back attitude do the talking. We are planning an autograph signing outside the clermont cinema June 30 after eclipse come out.
Q: Things have been so crazy with remote lately, where do you see Remote 5 years from now? If everything goes as plan?
Man that's a long ways out, but I think just a steady succesfull remote would be great. Something that can support everything to keep it running maybe be able to add a few more guys to the team and just be able to travel and push wakeskating around the world the way we like it.
Q: One Sentence. If someone asked "What is remote?" Write just one sentence to sum it all up?
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