Monday, July 26, 2010

Female MMA reality show on NBC, really?

Female MMA reality show on NBC, really?

Here's rooting for women's MMA to get the kind of exposure the men do. And what a coup it would be if a major network actually ran with one of the 37 different female MMA reality shows we've heard are in the works. But hope and reality are much different. According to the website for the Ultimate Women Challenge, the show will air on NBC in the fall.

I'm on board simply because I'll watch anything featuring Julie Kedzie (on the left). But the trailer? I don't want to judge simply by the quality of a trailer but, unless the guys from NBC who were interested in George Costanza's "Show About Nothing" are making the decisions, this story seems a bit far-fetched.

From Cage Potato:

NBC will finally made its foray into the world of mixed martial arts in September when it airs its Ultimate Women Challenge MMA reality show. Air dates of the show and and its time slot have yet to be announced by NBC, leading me to believe it isn't a lock for the fall, despite the website's statement claiming otherwise.

Some of commenters on CP were less than excited:

MMAExpertNewb - That was the worst trailer I've ever seen. Let's put the names of our fighters up on screen, make them hard to read, and then "blow them up" .25 seconds later. That way people will know that SOMEONE is on the show, but they won't know who it is. They'll automatically assume it's Gina Carano and our ratings will soar!! They'll SOAR!

shammy4life - My prediction is the ratings on this show wil steadily decline as the season goes on, for a couple of reasons.

1. the begining it will be a hit because there are some legitimately hot chicks on there and guys want to see hot chicks fight.

2. See WNBA, it's still a sport and the fact is unless you're somehow able to hide your junk (Cyborg) woman are just not made for this [expletive]. 99% of the time it will look amateur.

If the show is like "The Contender" with more fluff than fighting, it might have a chance to draw a bigger audience. Selling the back stories of the women is crucial. They have a good story to kick things off with Angela Magana, who claims she was a heroin baby and had her boyfriend die the day he proposed to her.

Is it NBC really going to commit to this and will you watch?�

Anna Kournikova
Hayden Panettiere
Cameron Diaz

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